Webinar 4

Wednesday, 22nd September, 2021. 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm (Paris time)
INTRODUCTION: Sylviane Toporkoff and Ingrid Andersson
WELCOME ADDRESS: Ali Shamas, CEO, Dhofar Energy, Oman
Topic 1: Health for all – addressing preventative measures and medical interventions adopting new technologies
Kathie Blizinsky, Policy Director All of US Research Program, National Institutes of Health, USA. “The Shifting Landscape of ‘Ethical’ Data Use in Research”
Rob van Kranenburg, Founder Council IoT, Jury Member IOT Solutions World Congress, The Netherlands, “Disposable identities in the age of digital identity management”
Alexandra Fieux-Castagnet, PromEthosIA, France, “How technology can transform Healthcare in Africa?”
Topic 2: Education and Learning – exploring novel ways in making use of Digital Solutions
Franco Claudio Grossi , Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Russia Federation . “Education 4.0; the next way of teaching”
Pavan Duggal, Advocate Supreme Court of India, Head, Pavan Duggal Associates/ President Cyberlaws.net / Cyberlaws Asia / Mobilelaw.net, Member WIPO, India. “Cyber Security and Cyber Legal Issues facing Online Education & Learnings”
Sylvie Albert, Professor Department of Business & Administration University of Winnipeg, Canada. “Networked forms of education”
Chetan Sharma, Founder & CEO Datamation Group, India. “Convergent Gender, Security & Protection during pandemic times in health and education spheres”
Concluding Remarks