In the middle of a long conversation, without uttering a word – I’m Chloe. PART 2

Jazeela Sherif is an engineer turned CFO, a painter and…
A MUST WATCH, NOT ONLY FOR ANIMAL LOVERS: Do we humans have more right to live on this earth? How to strike a balance between animal and human life? Insights on animal birth control and preventing diseases such as rabies. Why living in harmony with animals is important?
In this PART 2 of the video, the panelists comprising Dr. Mini Vasudevan and Dr. Madhu Ganesh , the engineer couple based at Coimbatore, who are on a life mission of improving the lives of animals on the street, are in conversation with Dr. Jazeela Sherif. Mini is the Managing Trustee of the Humane Animal Society, Coimbatore and Madhu is a member of the board of trustees. You can see PART 1 of this video in LEAD Digest at : In the middle of a long conversation, without uttering a word – I’m Chloe. PART 1 | Lead Digest. You can read the related article in : IN THE MIDDLE OF A LONG CONVERSATION, WITHOUT UTTERING A WORD – I’M CHLOE. | Lead Digest
(Note: The views expressed by the panelists are their personal views and do not necessarily reflect the policy, position or opinion of LEAD Digest)
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Jazeela Sherif is an engineer turned CFO, a painter and a trained singer. Besides engineering, she holds an M.B.A, PhD, and an MSc in Financial Engineering.