Dr. Sherif Aziz is an engineer turned development strategist, digital…
A piano kept at the Maastricht train station, perhaps, as part of a promotion by its manufacturer. Anybody could try it. The performer seen in the video obviously was too good at it and was kind enough to allow me to shoot her performance. Music has no boundaries!
(Note: The views expressed in the video are those of its makers and do not reflect the policy, position or opinion of LEAD Digest in any manner)
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Dr. Sherif Aziz is an engineer turned development strategist, digital entrepreneur and writer. He has been in senior advisory positions relating to development strategies, industrial and entrepreneurship development, e-governance, digital transformation, technology parks and business incubation. Member of management and advisory boards of academic, research and business incubation initiatives. He writes frequently on technology and development, and their impact on the society. He is a cofounder of LEAD Digest, and is an avid screenplay and corporate content writer too. He holds a masters in Industrial Engineering with specialisation in information systems, a PhD in development studies and a second masters in e-Governance, from top ranking institutions. He is also an alumnus of the United Nations University – International Leadership Academy.